The different forms of complementary medicine have focused on quantum medicine, bringing into this concept elements that have nothing to do with quantum medicine. In reality, it is about rejuvenating the paradigm of the molecule to try to attract new customers. With the Ondévit method, we have been applying the paradigm of the energy of words from the beginning by (almost) abstracting matter.
We have been developing a new paradigm for several months: Object Energetic Medicine. The principle is similar to object programming, which is much more promising for discoveries than quantum technology.
To better understand this new paradigm, we can take the example of a 25-story building that corresponds to the 25 vertebrae (in programming, this corresponds to a class). The floors are supplied with energy by external sources. These energy sources are distributed in each floor by a distributor. In each floor, there is a specific energy distribution. This energy distribution inside each floor can be disrupted and also disrupt the energy distribution in the other floors.
By harmonizing the energy in a one-story apartment, the entire energy supply chain of the building will be corrected.
The mini disturbances caused by the disturbances inside a one-story apartment will influence the entire energy supply line. The floor object and its attributes can be corrected leading to a better energy distribution of the whole
The floors or groups of floors all have attributes (as in programming) we can cite water, electricity, heating. In medical terms this corresponds to attributes of the vertebrae. We can talk about lymphatic, nervous, hormonal systems etc.
This principle comes down to considering that all the attributes of the spine are in each vertebra. The analogy goes further. We can also talk about subclasses that come in this case from the vertebrae class. We think directly of the rib cage.
The analogy does not stop there. With artificial (or natural!) intelligence, we can thus map the energy system at the base of human construction. This human construction based on vital energies is analogous to the reinforcement, which is used to solidify concrete and build the building.
In practice, it is no longer necessary to consider the symptom as the quantum element to be treated but the entire chain, which will treat each symptom by correcting the attributes of the spinal column, which are also the attributes of each vertebra.
To better understand this new philosophy, it is appropriate to give a simple example.
Here is a list of words that can be tested with the Ondévit method.

Exemple limité d’attributs de la classe principale qui vont être transmis aux classes secondaires


This example helps improve the functioning of the intervertebral discs.
The complete description includes all areas of the vertebrae: thoracic, lumbar, etc. .
The secondary classes can concern any other subject concerning the body. To be optimal, a direct relationship must exist with the main class.
The main class can concern vital organs such as the brain, the heart, etc.
The Ondévit protocol allows testing the influence of the attributes for each vertebra or group of vertebrae.
It is then possible to give the client the missing energies discovered by the muscle test.
These products will make the necessary repairs to improve the distribution of energy in the spine.
How these energies work remains at the level of hypotheses. However, during the tests on myself, I was able to see that the accumulations of negative (black) energies diluted to disappear and cause a relaxation of the muscles in the area concerned.
From the functional point of view, it appears that Ondévit products cause a chimney-like opening into which energies enter, which dissolve more or less fluid concentrations of dark matter. This disappearance of dark energy concentrations causes, among other things, a muscular relaxation measurable by the reduction of the electrical resistance of the tissues. This was observed during experiments of stimulation of the body by the energy of written words.
The number of applications of this principle is unlimited.
The most telling example is that of clients suffering from abnormal curvature of the upper back. A clear improvement was observed.
Another is the unblocking of the nerves at the coccyx level allowing normal walking.
The goal is to determine the possible limits of such a strategy. By using energy products based on physiological serum, the treatment has no negative side effects. Each client participates in this gigantic test in reality.
This new development is fundamental for the Ondé-vit method because it opens a more general field of action and also more therapeutically effective.
This theory opens the door to artificial intelligence. Indeed, by linking the subclasses with the main class by measuring the reaction to the same stimulus, it is possible to define the path of action of the therapy.
Electronic measurements of muscle strength have already shown the possibility of linking the influence of a string of words to a variation in the electrical resistance of the body.
These findings open the door to artificial intelligence to establish the relational chains between organs, molecules such as hormones, amino acids and consequently with the DNA of the individual.
The program plan and the machine to measure resistance variations already exist. It will be necessary to coordinate the whole to put this theory into practice.
In the relatively short term, we can consider an energetic diagnosis as well as the associated treatment.
Artificial intelligence will optimize the results and even open up new avenues of treatment by energy.